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National Survey of Children's Health, 2011/2012

Child and Family Health Indicators Customizable Profile

The 2011/12 NSCH Customizable Profile allows users to view data from the National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH) through the lens of several common public health frameworks. The purpose of this tool is to match the NSCH’s national and state-level measures and data to these common frameworks. (Please note: Two frameworks – the Healthy People 2020 framework and the Title V measures – were specifically designed to use the NSCH to measure their objectives.)

This tool allows users to quickly access national and state-level population-based data most relevant to their framework of choice. This tool can assist with program planning, policy-setting, proposal writing, consensus-building, and much more.

To use the tool:
1) Select a framework of interest.
2) Once you select a framework, you'll see the NSCH measures relevant to your framework of choice appear.
3) Next, you'll have the option to select all relevant measures, or just the measures that are of greatest interest to you.
4) Last, for many measures, you'll have the opportunity to view the data by a variety of sub-populations, such as race/ethnicity, sex, income, insurance status, etc.

Select a State

Select a Framework

Generate Report
Physical and Dental Health
Emotional and Mental Health
Health Insurance Coverage
Health Care Access and Quality
Community and School Activities
Family Health and Activities
Neighborhood Safety and Support
Generate Report

Select an appropriate age subgroup that corresponds to the age group followed by the measure name.
        Estimates based on sample sizes too small to meet standards for reliability or precision. The relative standard error is greater than 30%.

Note: 95% CI = 95% Confidence Interval.

- Subgroup data is not available for this measure.
* = This measure fits into multiple domains of this framework
† Please note that this measure is not an exact match to this domain. However, this measure captures the essence of the domain’s concept, or is a good proxy measure.

With funding and direction from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, the National Survey of Children's Health was conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics. CAHMI is responsible for the analyses, interpretations, presentations and conclusions included on this site.

Suggested citation format: "Nationwide Customized Indicator Report from the National Survey of Children's Health." NSCH 2011/12. Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative, Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health website. Retrieved [mm/dd/yy] from