Welcome to the Data Snapshots page. We have a variety of pre-populated and interactive data snapshots available at the national, state or regional level, as well as many data snapshots that are only available with nationwide data. You can also view data on particular indicators of interest in our interactive data query or get more information about specific health topics on our Papers, Publications and Reports page. Please select your preferences from the list below:
To view your data snapshot, follow the two easy steps below:
Click on the map (a state, region or nationwide) to view your snapshot.
Select a snapshot from the list of categories below.
1. Click on your state, HRSA Region, or Nationwide to view your snapshot.
HRSA Regions
2. Select a Snapshot from the Categories below. Customizable profiles, where you
can choose your own indicators, are marked with an asterisk*.
North Dakota
Overall Health and Health Care Topics
Key Indicators of child health status, insurance and health care acccess, and family/social content
2011/12 NSCH National and State Profile Pages
2007-2011/12 NSCH Comparison National and State Profile Pages
2009/10 NS-CSHCN National and State Profile Pages
2005/06-2009/10 NS-CSHCN Comparison National and State Profile Pages
2007 NSCH National and State Chartbook Pages
2007 NSCH Child Health Indicators Customizable Snapshot*
2003 NSCH National and State Chartbook Pages
2003 NSCH Child Health Indicators Customizable Snapshot*
2003-2007 NSCH Comparison National and State Chartbook Pages
2005/06 NS-CSHCN National and State Chartbook Pages
2001 NS-CSHCN National and State Chartbook Pages
2001-2005/06 NS-CSHCN Comparison National and State Chartbook Pages
Health Care System Quality and Performance
Topic-Specific: Quality indicators, Medical Home & Health People 2010
2007 NSCH Child Health and System Performance Snapshot
2007 NSCH: Medical Home Performance Snapshot - All Children
2007 NSCH: Medical Home Performance Snapshot - Special Needs Status & Insurance Type
2009/10 NS-CSHCN: Medical Home Performance Snapshot - CSHCN Only
2005/06 NS-CSHCN: Medical Home Performance Snapshot - CSHCN Only
Health Status and Disparities in Child Health Across Populations
Topic-Specific: CSHCN vs. Non-CSHCN, Race/Ethnicity & Rural-Urban Status
2007 NSCH Children with Special Health Care Needs in Context: A Portrait of States and the Nation
2007 NSCH Disparities Snapshot: Special Health Care Needs*
2007 NSCH Disparities Snapshot: Health Insurance*
2007 NSCH Disparities Snapshot: Race/Ethnicity*
2007 NSCH National Race/Ethnicity Snapshot* (National Only due to Sample Size)
2007 NSCH National Rural Urban Commuting Area Snapshot* (National Only due to Sample Size)
2005/06 NS-CSHCN: Within State Urban/Rural Snapshot
* The 2005/06 Within State Urban/Rural profile is only available at the state level.
Unfortunately, this is not available for Nationwide, HRSA Regions or the District of Columbia.
2005/06 NS-CSHCN: Within State Urban/Rural Customizable Snapshot*
* The 2005/06 Within State Urban/Rural Customizable profile is only available at the state level.
Unfortunately, this is not available for Nationwide, HRSA Regions or the District of Columbia.
2005/06 NS-CSHCN: CSHCN vs. Non-CSHCN (Referent Sample)
Specific Health Problems and Conditions
Topic-Specific: Mental Health, Obesity, and Selected Conditions
2009/10 NS-CSHCN: Condition-Specific Snapshot
2009/10 NS-CSHCN: Condition-Specific Customizable Snapshot*
2007 NSCH Mental & Emotional Health National and State Chartbook Pages
2007 Childhood Obesity State Report Cards
2005/06 NS-CSHCN: Condition-Specific Snapshot
2005/06 NS-CSHCN: Condition-Specific Customizable Snapshot*
2003 Childhood Obesity State Report Cards