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2009/10 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs

Washington Profile

Estimated Number of CSHCN: 235,920

Click on any row of data in the table below to view detailed results by age, race/ethnicity, household income and other subgroups.

Prevalence of CSHCNState %Nation %
CSHCN Prevalence
Percent of children who have special health care needs15.015.1
CSHCN Prevalence by Age
Age 0-5 years8.19.3
Age 6-11 years17.617.7
Age 12-17 years19.518.4
CSHCN Prevalence by Sex
CSHCN Prevalence by Poverty Level
0-99% FPL15.916.0
100-199% FPL14.815.4
200-399% FPL14.414.5
400% FPL or more15.314.7
CSHCN Prevalence by Hispanic Origin and Race
Spanish Language Household7.78.2
English Language Household16.214.4
National IndicatorsState %Nation %
Child Health
CSHCN whose conditions affect their activities usually, always, or a great deal27.627.1
CSHCN with 11 or more days of school absences due to illness16.515.5
Health Insurance Coverage
CSHCN without insurance at some point in past year6.39.3
CSHCN without insurance at time of survey1.53.5
Currently insured CSHCN whose insurance is inadequate31.834.3
Access to Care
CSHCN with any unmet need for specific health care services24.523.6
CSHCN with any unmet need for family support services7.27.2
CSHCN needing a referral who have difficulty getting it20.923.4
CSHCN without a usual source of care when sick (or who rely on the emergency room)8.29.5
CSHCN without any personal doctor or nurse7.26.9
Family Centered Care
CSHCN without family-centered care30.235.4
Impact on Family
CSHCN whose families pay $1,000 or more out of pocket in medical expenses per year for the child25.522.1
CSHCN whose conditions cause financial problems for the family21.321.6
CSHCN whose families spend 11 or more hours per week providing or coordinating child's health care9.413.1
CSHCN whose conditions cause family members to cut back or stop working24.725.0
MCHB Core OutcomesState %Nation %
CSHCN whose families are partners in shared decision-making for child's optimal health72.870.3
CSHCN who receive coordinated, ongoing, comprehensive care within a medical home45.543.0
CSHCN whose families have adequate private and/or public insurance to pay for the services they need65.060.6
CSHCN who are screened early and continuously for special health care needs80.778.6
CSHCN who can easily access community based services62.665.1
Youth with special health care needs who receive the services necessary to make appropriate transitions to adult health care, work, and independence41.740.0
Estimates based on sample sizes too small to meet standards for reliability or precision. The relative standard error is greater than or equal to 30%.
Prevalence data only available for States where this minority group makes up at least 5% of total population of children in the State.

With funding and direction from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs was conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics. CAHMI is responsible for the analyses, interpretations, presentations and conclusions included on this site.

Suggested citation format: “[State name] Report from the 2009/10 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs.” NS-CSHCN 2009/10. Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative, Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health website. Retrieved [mm/dd/yy] from