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National Survey of Children's Health, 2011/12

2011/12 NSCH National Chartbook Profile for Nationwide vs. Colorado

Click on any row of data in the table below to view detailed results by age, race/ethnicity, household income and other subgroups.

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2003 Profile
2007 Profile

Child Health Statuspercent of children in excellent or very good health84.287.0
Oral Health Statuspercent of children with excellent or very good oral health71.370.1
Premature Birthpercent of children who were born premature, that is three or more weeks early11.610.8
Breastfeedingpercent of children age 0-5 who were ever breastfed79.287.6
Risk of Developmental or Behavioral Problemspercent of children age 4 months to 5 years determined to be at moderate or high risk based on parents' specific concerns26.223.4
Child Weight Statuspercent of children age 10-17 years who are overweight or obese (BMI-for-age at or above 85th percentile)31.323.1
Missed School Dayspercent of children age 6-17 who missed 11 or more days of school in the past year6.27.9
Current Health Insurancepercent of children currently insured94.592.4
Insurance Coverage Consistencypercent of children lacking consistent insurance coverage in the past year11.313.5
Preventive Health Carepercent of children with a preventive medical visit in the past year84.484.8
Preventive Dental Carepercent of children with a preventive dental visit in the past year77.277.6
Developmental Screeningpercent of children age 10 months to 5 years who received a standardized screening for developmental or behavioral problems30.847.0
Mental Health Carepercent of children age 2-17 with problems requiring counseling who received mental health care61.064.9
Medical Homepercent of children who receive care within a medical home54.455.3
School Engagementpercent of children age 6-17 who are consistently engaged in school80.476.9
Repeating a Gradepercent of children age 6-17 who have repeated at least one grade9.14.9
Activities Outside of Schoolpercent of children age 6-17 who participate in activities outside of school80.883.1
Reading to Young Childrenpercent of children age 0-5 whose families read to them everyday47.956.9
Singing and Telling Stories to Young Childrenpercent of children age 0-5 whose families sing or tell stories to them everyday56.863.3
Family Mealspercent of children whose families eat meals together 4 or more days per week78.481.3
Mother’s Healthof children who live with their mothers, the percentage whose mothers are in excellent or very good physical and emotional health56.759.6
Father’s Healthof children who live with their fathers, the percentage whose fathers are in excellent or very good physical and emotional health62.069.0
Smoking in the Householdpercent of children who live in households where someone smokes24.120.6
Adverse Childhood Experiencespercent of children who have had two or more adverse childhood experiences22.619.9
Neighborhood Amenitiespercent of children who live in neighborhoods with a park, sidewalks, a library, and a community center54.169.6
Neighborhood Conditionspercent of children who live in neighborhoods with poorly kept or rundown housing16.213.1
Supportive Neighborhoodspercent of children living in neighborhoods that are supportive82.181.4
Safety of Child in Neighborhoodpercent of children living in neighborhoods that are usually or always safe86.691.6

With funding and direction from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs was conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics. CAHMI is responsible for the analyses, interpretations, presentations and conclusions included on this site.

Suggested citation format: “[State name] Report from the National Survey of Children’s Health.” NSCH 2011/12. Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative, Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health website. Retrieved [mm/dd/yy] from