The Mental and Emotional Well-Being of Children: A Portrait of States and the Nation: 2007 NSCH
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This profile summarizes selected state, regional, and nationwide 2007 NSCH findings on the prevalence of emotional, behavioral, and developmental conditions* and access to health care for children who have them. It corresponds to the
State Indicators section of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau’s 2010 publication:
The Mental and Emotional Well-Being of Children: A portrait of States and the Nation 2007. The online chartbook describes the health status and health care experiences of children with emotional, behavioral and developmental issues.
To change geographic area, select from drop-down list at top of column
* | The seven conditions addressed in the survey were: ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, ODD/conduct disorder, autism spectrum disorders, developmental delay, and Tourette Syndrome. |
** | State level results for children aged 2-5 years do not meet standards for reliability or precision and are not reported. |
*** | Information on 2007 Federal Poverty Level income guidelines is available online at: Prevalence results for income level in this report may differ from results in the National chartbook online by 1-2 percentage points. These differences occurred because slightly different statistical methods were used to impute income for cases with missing values; they are within the expected range of variation. |
| Gray shading indicates estimate does not meet standards for reliability or precision. The relative standard error is greater than or equal to 30%.
With funding and direction from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs was conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics. CAHMI is responsible for the analyses, interpretations, presentations and conclusions included on this site.
Suggested citation format: “[State name] Mental and Emotional Well-Being Profile from the National Survey of Children’s Health.” NSCH 2007. Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative, Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health website. Retrieved [mm/dd/yy] from